Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Phew - They're OUTTA THERE!!!

To make a long story short, I have been relieved of 9 eggs.  Which, given the ups and downs and negativity of the RE is nothing short of amazing in my eyes.  Now I know that only some of them will fertilize, but at least they have them and now everything is out of my hands! 

The procedure was completely painless....heck I go through more discomfort with a cosmetic procedure than I did with this (a Brazilian for example is a 10 on a pain scale compared with the 0 that an ER is).  Now afterwards, yep, it hurt.  But I asked for drugs as soon as the first pain waves hit and then all was well again within about 45 minutes.  I am no believer in stoicism.  My motto is "better living through chemicals".   Might pop another one before bed, but based on my progress so far I am hoping that in the morning I will be as right as rain!

Interestingly, they asked my man to gown up and come in to watch the retrieval while I was off emptying my bladder.  Needless to say I put an abrupt stop to that as I shuffled past my little cubicle on my way back from the bathroom and towards the OR room and saw him putting on a surgical gown.  I mean REALLY now.  Who the heck wants to have sex with a woman after he has seen her straddled in an ob-gyn chair with stuff being shoved up her vagina and blood being extracted into test tubes.  Good grief!    I am after all hoping to get laid after this for god's sake; life does go on!  In fact the sperm into the jar thing really got me going this morning, hope the doctor that did the retrieval didn't notice.

A funny thing about the sperm in the jar - we "did it" in the hotel room (the rooms in the hospital are rather scary tbh - exactly like you would imagine) and then rode the elevator out of the hotel with him holding the jar against his stomach to keep it warm (apparently this is key those swimmers don't like this crap European weather any more than I do).  As people piled on the elevator on each floor (our room was on the top floor) wishing us a cheery good morning (or so I think since it was in whatever language they speak in Belgium) I couldn't even look him in the eye (nor he me as he later confessed) because I thought I would start laughing uncontrollable.  If only they all knew what they were riding the elevator with!

Anyways the next hurdle, # fertilized, is tomorrow.  I can call the lab at 11am.  Cross your fingers for me that it will be 5 or 6 so that I can have a big fight with him about how many we put back in (tentatively scheduled for Thursday).  Would be a nice thing to be able to fight about.  Arguing about names (Anglo vs. weird European) would be another great thing to fight about.

The best part about all of this too is that the worst is behind us....at least from a physical perspective.  Let's see if I will be able to be as sanguine on the emotional front...that bit has me a bit leery!

Cheers and greetings from snowy cold Europe!

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