Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Beat Goes On....

Lots of fun and frolic yesterday.  258km each way to Belgium in a blazing snowstorm of sufficient intensity to make even a hearty North American drive carefully. I am SO glad that I bought an environmentally unfriendly SUV to drive over here though, wouldn't have wanted to attempt it in anything less!  Watched several cars wipe out into the ditches and guard rails in front of me, but I just motored on, slow and steady, listening to my tunes and munching on chocolate (stayed off the cellphone though, it was that bad!). 

After having the weekend to sleep on it I was prepared for the clinic's recommendation re: packing it in.  However yesterday's ultrasound showed some improvement over the weekend and my regular RE has decided that we should soldier on, obviously she is a bit more open minded than the team on Friday.  She said it is not that unusual for things to pick up later in a stimulation with "older" (I am really getting tired of hearing that phrase) women, and she was hoping that would be the case for me.  So after all that it looks like my body decided to pull it out of a hat in the 11th hour, probably because it knew I wasn't going to take any BS from it and had no qualms about shutting everything down if it didn't cooperate. 

Right now I am up to 11 follicles (she would like to have 15 but is still hopeful that I will hit that number) and they are between 13-14mm in size (better than the  <10mm from Friday), smaller than she wants for this stage, but she thinks that I will get close enough to attempt an egg retrieval (hmmmm...what does that mean I wonder? Fish around my sensitive innards with a needle and hope they can nab a few...hmmm that sounds like a pleasant exercise!).    Tentative egg retrieval is therefore planned for this weekend assuming my ultrasound on Thursday shows continued progress, else she warned me everything might get cancelled, in which case she said I should try again in the new year with a different drug mix.  We'll see if I feel like it.  At that point I will be 43 and frankly one needs to be realistic about this whole process at my age.  And anyways I don't believe in playing a losing game, life is too short.   Having said that I think that the insights I have gained into this process make it clear that one must be open to several attempts.  

As for symptoms, I feel fine.  A bit tired, and very mildly sore in my sides, but no big deal.  In fact if I hadn't been told not to and there weren't so much darn snow around, I would strap on my running shoes and pound out 10k to get some fresh air and to move this rather sedentary body. The one thing I have noticed is that I have been losing weight throughout this process....odd, especially since I have a BMI of 18 so there isn't much to spare.  I'll have to ask about that on Thursday, I guess it must be the drugs, because I am certainly indulging in my fair share of lovely European chocolate and other treats so it can't be any shortcomings at the consumption end of things!

Hope you are all having a great time and enjoying the lack of snow at your end, lucky lucky!

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