Monday, November 22, 2010

Spoke Too Soon?

Oops, that's what I get for being cocky!  Woke up this morning and it feels like someone has taken a fist and jammed one into my abdomen on each side above the hip bone and is happily holding it there, irrespective of what position I get into.  I guess this is what swelling ovaries trying to grow multiple eggs at the same time feels like.   Hmmmmm.  And I have only had 2 of these Gonal F shots so far, with at least another 8 to go, unless at the Friday ultrasound they decide to call it a day and move to the trigger shot.  Double hmmmmm.  Might even call the clinic about this.   I just PRAY that I don't get ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, because I am in Europe with nothing but travel insurance so it will cost me a cool 1,000 Euros per day if I have to be hospitalized, or at least that is what the clinic in Belgium has told me.  However they also told me that a woman as old as I ( comment!) is not at risk of it. Plus they put me on a medium, not a high dose, of the Gonal F which I guess should help to ensure that I don't get it.  [So maybe not THAT old after all though ha ha? :-) ]    I am keeping my fingers crossed that this is all normal, and just a sign of happily growing eggs!

On the not so positive front we spent all weekend working on our condo and all we accomplished was to install 3 drawers into one of the kitchen cabinets.  Unbelievable.  Apparently there is something weird about the electricity here, such that we couldn't hook up the wall oven, nor install an overhead light in the kitchen.  And it wasn't for lack of trying, we spent hours fiddling with it (well he did - my job was to flip fuses up and down on the fuse box).  And btw it's not like we are camping out in an inexpensive place, it is actually a very pricey penthouse in a good neighbourhood in a big city, so, tbh, North American standards aside (I have been told we North Americans are very demanding), I would expect to be able to hook up an oven and hang a few lights.  I have been able to plead ignorance on the topic of European electricity and thus my man is in charge of chasing the owner and getting this sorted. I have just told him that we aren't doing a damn thing that is fun until this apartment is done.  Not exactly contributing to positive relationship karma, but on the off chance that I get pregnant I am not messing about for the next 6 months dealing with getting an apartment sorted out.

On top of that my job interview process is making demands on my time too, because at my level it means you aren't really interviewing for a job, but creating one.  So to add to my joyous long list of things to do (like waiting for the dryer to be delivered today - a long fought battle with my man let me tell you!!, doing some work for one of my other clients that I took on as a huge favour which I am now regretting, trying to figure out how to get my car serviced and getting my winter tires installed - please please please don't snow) I have to put together a business case for them and then meet with them again to review it and figure out next steps.   Which all begs the question of whether or not this is really the best time to get on the bandwagon of working like a nutbar again.  Then again if the IVF doesn't work it will keep me busy and I suppose I can always find something to do with the money.  Like buy a dog and get a cleaning lady!  :-)

Time to take my aching ovaries and make a cup of tea and get down to work!  Have a good one everybody!

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