Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 13: Doubts

It could be hormones from this hyper-charged BCP.  It could be the stress of moving myself, my little creature and not much of my stuff halfway around the world to a place where, let's call an ace an ace and a spade a spade, the folks just aren't like us North Americans and no matter how you try to play it, it's not home.  Or maybe it's getting my house ready for the January real estate market, which means selling off an awful lot of things that have many warm memories and being hit with the realization that I am slowly but surely breaking all the ties to my current life.  In any event I am getting serious cold feet about whether I should be doing this with my partner or just going the sperm donor route.  Or shelving the whole thing and taking my new pared-down life and doing something very radical, like hanging out in an ashram for a year or heading to a beach with wifi and finally writing that book.    But on the other hand, when I tap into my intuition, I am filled with calm and it says "carry on McDuff, there is a master plan and you are on track towards fulfilling your destiny".  I just hope my intuition knows what it is doing these days.  

Decisions decisions. I've come an awfully long way to change direction now, but of course if it is the right thing to do, I am no shrinking violet when it comes to doing the right thing and making tough decisions, even if it is at the 11th hour.

Hope you are all having a much better day than me!  :-)

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