Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 1: The Pill Sucks!

Ok...I know this is going to sound really pathetic given "the best is yet to come" (i.e. the heavy duty drugs don't start for over a month yet!) but, uh, The Pill sucks.  At least for me.   I woke up this morning feeling really really green around the gills.  To which my significant other drily commented, from 1000s of miles away, "great practice for when you are pregnant".   Clearly the man needs sensitivity training.  Or maybe it's a European man thing and they are all like that? 

Anyways I am hoping it is some weird placebo effect conjured up by my vivid imagination.  And on a bright note, it got better throughout the day.  So I am crossing my fingers...because I know "I ain't seen nuthin' yet". 

I am determined to ignore all the little inconveniences and just keep putting one foot ahead of the other.   Which means all that matters is that today I am 1 step closer to the goal.

On a girlie note today I got my last North American haircut for awhile (hopefully a long while).  Because, after all, after over 20 years with the same hairdresser how can I possibly trust my locks to some European Friseur?  It would be like having an affair.  Nope, I just can't do it.  At least not yet.  I will have to work up to it.    :-)

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