Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 10: How Many Attempts at IVF

The great embryo debate has been very interesting...and as I think about it, sitting here on a rainy Sunday morning looking out over the city and reading the paper (guess that will be a challenge in Europe, but I can always read the paper online thank goodness) it is also a debate that is very much tied to how often one wants to attempt IVF. 

The magic number of attempts in my head when I started this was "3".  Not sure where it came from, other than perhaps that my North American RE told me that my odds are 30% per attempt (which I now upon further research think is massively unrealistic and the number is more like 10%)...thus in my somewhat lacking in statistical methodology conclusion I said, "ok 3x it is".  Actually I think what is really behind that is that assuming there is a 3 month break between each attempt, 3x leaves me at almost 44.  At which point I realistically have to pack it in and say that my geriatric eggs just aren't up to the job.   And go on a nice trip.  Or get a job and step back onto the consumerist bandwagon (nasty).  Or pack up my beloved pet and head to some part of the world where my skills can make a difference.  We'll see.  There are after all so many ways to structure a life beyond having children, and I think it is so important to stay balanced during this process and not lose perspective on the bigger picture.  In fact my biggest fear is that I will turn into one of those obsessed ART people that just can't let it go when the universe sends what to me seems to be a very clear signal that nope, non, nyet, nada, nein it is not to be. Which leads me more and more to think maybe I will only do this once, in December.  And if it is meant to be, it is meant to be.  And if not, I will move on and chalk it up to another one of life's learning experiences.

Hmmmmm.....something to ponder as I vacuum and dust and do laundry today!

Happy Sunday everyone!

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